





Multi business CEO, Digital Marketer & Creator, Educator, Boss, Wife and Avid Runner. I help badass female-owned companies optimize their business and create stunning content. I'm really glad you're here. 

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WORKING On Your Fitness 

WORKING on your fitness

As an entrepreneur, it’s so easy to get caught up in the daily grind of running YOUR business. With so many demands on your time and energy, it can be challenging to prioritize your health and fitness. And often times it goes to the wayside… but, maintaining good health and fitness habits is essential for not only your personal well-being but also for the success of your business.

First and foremost, staying active is essential for managing stress. Running a business can be incredibly stressful, and without proper stress management, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and burnt out. Engaging in regular movement, exercise and healthy habits such as getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet can help you manage stress more effectively, allowing you to approach your work with a clearer mind and more focused energy.

In addition to stress management, movement helps improve productivity! Regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function, memory, and focus, all of which are critical for entrepreneurial success. When you take care of your body and mind, you’re better equipped to handle the demands of running a business and make sound decisions.

Beyond the direct benefits of improved stress management and productivity, good health and fitness also play a critical role in your overall well-being. When you prioritize your health, you feel better physically and mentally, which can have a positive impact on every aspect of your life, including your work.

Basically, leading a healthy lifestyle is an essential tool and also shows great leadership to you team: to lead by example. When you prioritize your health and wellness, you’re demonstrating the importance of self-care, which can inspire your team to do the same. By prioritizing your health, you’re more likely to create a company culture that values wellness, leading to happier and more productive employees.

So get up in move, whether it’s hopping on your Peloton in the morning before heading to the office, taking the stairs or going for a walk on your lunch break, or doing some mid-day stretches, taking care of yourself and your health is essential for entrepreneurial success. By prioritizing your well-being, you’ll be better equipped to manage stress, improve productivity, and lead by example for your team. Taking care of yourself is not only critical for your personal well-being, but it also contributes to the success of your business.

So make sure you move. Need help freeing up some of your time to focus on yourself. Let’s chat!

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I'm Sara Liberale

Multi business CEO, Digital Marketer & Creator, Educator, Boss, Wife and Avid Runner. I help badass female-owned companies optimize their business and create stunning content. I'm really glad you're here. 

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hey there!

I'm Sara Liberale

Multi business CEO, Digital Marketer & Creator, Educator, Boss, Wife and Avid Runner. I help badass female-owned companies optimize their business and create stunning content. I'm really glad you're here. 

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