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The Power of Email Marketing

The power of email marketing for small businesses
The Power of Email Marketing

Upgrade your email marketing

It’s no secret I am obsessed with my email list. Email marketing is a cost-effective and efficient way to reach out to potential customers and clients. In today’s digital age, email marketing has become one of the most popular channels for businesses to communicate with their audience. I LOVE social media, but the issue there, is we do not own that list, that audience, or who gets to see those posts. We’re constantly fighting the algorithm, praying that your posts will be shown to the right people. There is a recent stat that shows that only 3% of your Instagram following actually sees your posts. That is an insanely low number. Especially when you consider how much time and effort goes into your social media posts. I have recently taken my focus away from “growing” my Instagram and focusing on getting people off the platform and onto my site AND to opt into my mailing list. There, I can more strategically focus on showcasing my product to my customer and work on selling them from their inbox, instead of selling on Insta. Now don’t get me wrong, social media is still a huge part of my marketing strategy, but my email list was not always a top priority. This change has made a major impact on my business, so let’s talk about how it can help your business grow.

Building Your Email List

The first step in email marketing is building your email list. You can start by collecting email addresses from your existing customers, website visitors, and social media followers. You can also offer incentives such as free ebooks, discounts, or exclusive content in exchange for email sign-ups. Think of offering something that is something your customer actually wants, in exchange for their email address. That is their currency here- it’s not money in your pocket- it’s an address. Offer something of value, a freebee or discount are my two favorite ways to get them off my site and onto my list. NOTE: It is important to have a clear opt-in process and ensure that you are complying with email marketing laws and regulations, including providing an easy way for subscribers to unsubscribe.

Crafting Effective Email Campaigns

Once you have built your email list, it is important to craft effective email campaigns that engage your subscribers. Your emails should be visually appealing, mobile-friendly, and have clear and concise messaging. Also, don’t be afraid to show up in their inbox often (but within reason, you don’t want them hitting that dreaded unsubscribe button either) But emails can still get overlooked, and if you’re anything like me you probably have a few hundred unread emails in your inbox. Personalization and segmentation are also important to ensure that your emails are relevant to each subscriber. You can also segment your campaign to only be delivered to people that did not open your last email. Like ‘hey here it is again in case you missed it!’, so you’re not driving the ones that are looking crazy! You can use email automation tools to schedule and send targeted emails based on subscriber behavior, such as abandoned cart reminders or personalized product recommendations. I also have a few flows set up in my store. For example, if they abandon their cart, they don’t just get one reminder email with a discount I send out two. One on the day of, while it’s still fresh in their mind: I ask if they need any help with sizing and offer to help if they are unsure, reassure them of our return policy, and offer them a discount. And then 3 days later they get another email reminding them of their discount that is about to expire if they still want to snag that item. A recent study shows that a customer, especially a new customer, needs 8 (yes EIGHT) touch points before they buy. So what does that mean? They need to see or interact with you eight times before they hit check out. Now that number and of course be less, or even more, but trying to hit them as many times as possible with a flow can reduce your physical effort, while still getting eyes on your product or service.

Measuring Results and Improving Your Strategy

One of the biggest advantages of email marketing is the ability to track and measure your results. You can use email marketing analytics to see how many people opened your emails, clicked on links, and converted into customers. This data can help you refine your email marketing strategy and improve your future campaigns. You can also conduct A/B testing to experiment with different subject lines, messaging, and visuals to optimize your email campaigns. It’s all about trial and error! And those errors are not failures, it just gives you results to see that don’t really work with my customer, so let’s try it another way to make sure it does. Maybe they need more info, more images, and a discount. Maybe the time of day you sent it wasn’t ideal for a high open rate. These are all things that you will learn and your key performance indicators (KPIs) need to be checked regularly to ensure your efforts are driving results.

Overall, Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. By building an email list, crafting effective email campaigns, and measuring your results, you can reach your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive conversions. Remember to always prioritize your subscribers’ needs and interests, and comply with email marketing laws and regulations. With the right strategy and tactics, email marketing can help your business grow and succeed.

Need help with your email marketing? Let’s chat. I would love to help!

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Multi business CEO, Digital Marketer & Creator, Educator, Boss, Wife and Avid Runner. I help badass female-owned companies optimize their business and create stunning content. I'm really glad you're here. 

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hey there!

I'm Sara Liberale

Multi business CEO, Digital Marketer & Creator, Educator, Boss, Wife and Avid Runner. I help badass female-owned companies optimize their business and create stunning content. I'm really glad you're here. 

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